

According to the native people, many years ago, a thief visited the house of Bhagwan Chaudhary, a landlord in the village. The villagers caught the thief red-handed and beat him until his death. Everyone feared the punishments. But Mr. Bhagwan took the blame upon himself and saved the villagers. Later, the police came and caught him. Then the police brought him to a prison at Makawanpur fort.

Mr. Chaudhary was a religious person. While he was in prison, he would always meditate and worship the goddess Kali. One night, the goddess Kali appeared in his dream and asked him to build a temple for her. When he was awake, he found himself free and out of prison.

Then he got up, thanked the goddess, and made his way towards his home with a promise to build a temple for her. Before leaving, he picked up some soil under her feet and use it in the temple, from where the goddess disappeared. Then he tied the soil in his turban and started the journey to his village of Bariyarpur.

As it was a long way from Makawanpur fort to Bariyarpur, he stopped at many places to take a rest. While he sat down to rest, a fraction of the soil that he carried would fall to the ground. Later, the places where the holy soil fell became places of worship for the goddess Gadhimai. Some of these places include Makawanpur Gadhi in Makawanpur, Jeetpur Gadhi in Jeetpur, etc. These days, people who cannot visit the main temple of Gadhimai visit these places to sacrifice animals to fulfill their wishes in life.